
I am here!!!, Well in Hong Kong that is.

Well after a day of traveling I have arrived. Thank you to all that prayed for a safe flight. I am currently in Hong Kong airport waiting for the sea shuttle to Macau. My connection in Chicago was tight, I made it, but I am not sure my luggage did. The sea shuttle actually gets your bags for you and you go through customs in Macau. So as I sit here I have no idea if my luggage was on the plane with me.

Oh, by the way it was my birthday today. (Jan 25) The funny thing is, when a got on the plane in Chicago, I changed my watch over to Hong Kong time, and it was already Jan 26, so my birthday went fast. Kim had made me a great birthday card to read while on the plane. While on b-day notes, Happy birthday goes out to my mom ( Jan 26). We won't mention her age.

Thanks for all the responses to my blog thus far. It is very encouraging to know others are thinking and praying for me!!


Anonymous said...

You're right...the fastest birthday ever. Hope to hear about your luggage soon, still praying for you, Love, Kim

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it safely!! Hope your luggage did too! Keep us up to date on how things are going all the way across the world!!!! You're in our prayers!


Anonymous said...

Well, Doc,

Hang in there bro. Make sure and eat regularly, drink only potable water, and get plenty of rest. We will miss you, but the awesome capability to keep track of you through this thing is great.
Blaze a trail for Him.


Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear you have arrived safely. Preacher told us this morning that your luggage has caught up with you. Seems that delayed luggage is synonymous with any mission trip that has someone from Glenview on it. :) Know you and your family are in our prayers. Enjoyed eating dinner with you guys Wednesday night!

Ruth Ann