
Church on Sunday

Currently, I am reading Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secrets. It is an amazing account of his life and work in China. It has really spurred me on to pray for the people of Asia even more. At Church on Sunday, I met a rather new believer named Jeevan. He is a security guard at one of the casinos here. He is originally from Nepal. The casino business is bringing in workers from many parts of Asia. Macau is becoming very fertile ground for the harvest. Lift up the current workers that they would be strengthened and encouraged during the next 5-10 years as more and more Asians come to Macau for work in the casinos. Just as Jeevan, may they be inspired to return to their home countries and share their new truth with their family and neighbors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark:
What a treat to follow your interesting blogs with those wonderful pics. We feel like being there also--- experiencing the chinese culture/their way of life. Soon kim and lucy will join you as you continue your exciting mission bringing back home unforgetable memories. God bless you all.
Love from your Great-grandparents manfred&betty hanke.