
New Year Dinner

I was honored to be invited to the home of Candy's parents for a tradition New Years Meal and family celebration. (Candy is Eddie's girlfriend who is one of the resident physicians at Hope) I was the first foreigner who has visited their home. They spoke some English, but most of our communication came through Eddie and Candy translating. I had a great time and was filled to the brim with good home cooked food. I learned a lot about the history and types of Chinese tea. Her family was very gracious to me. I learned a few New Year sayings in Cantonese. They appreciated my effort and I appreciated their grace in my poor pronunciation. Below are some pictures from the night.

From Left to right, me, Candy's Mother, Candy's Father, Candy, Eddie is taking the picture

Cucumber dish with mushrooms. It is very difficult to make. And very difficult to eat with chopsticks if you are only moderately practiced with them.

Spicy Pork with Celery, My favorite dish of the evening

Glutenous Rice with peanut and sesame seed filling. Served warm as the dessert. It is tradition to eat this with your family on New Years Day.

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