
Patient Care

One of the patient care aspects that has surprised me is that I have had a fare percent of the patients I have seen want to come back and see me for their next visit and make me their doctor. For the quick follow up visits, I have actually done this for a few patients. One actually brought his friend into see me. The others I have had to say with disappointment that I am only visiting and they will have to follow up with one of the other doctors. I am also surprised with the amount of prenatal care done here. The clinic doctors do not delivery, so I assumed this would be a small part of the practice. But because there is only one hospital that does OB here, many immigrant works and westerner do most prenatal care here and then decided if they are going to go back to their home country to deliver, deliver in Hong Kong, or stay here in Macau.

PS I just got word that Kim did make it on the plane flying from Chicago to Hong Kong. I am getting ready to leave to meet her in Hong Kong!!! YEAH!

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